Saturday, July 8, 2017

Light in Meditation - Achievement or Obstacle?

Many persons doing Meditation, for material as well as spiritual goals, have reported to me that they were seeing light within them during meditation and wanted me to comment on their achievement. I thought an article on this phenomenon would be of some help to many people who are doing or intending to do meditation.

First let me clarify to you that meditation has nothing to do with our mind. Our mind does become calm and free from agitating thoughts during meditation, but that is the result of meditation, rather a by-product of meditation - it is not even the direct goal of meditation. The target of meditation is always our Consciousness. When we move our identity to our Consciousness from our mind, our mind is automatically freed from its agitating thoughts.

On the other hand, if you try to control your thoughts, either you’ll increase the intensity of your thoughts or you’ll enter dreamy or dreamless sleep. That’s because when you try to control your thoughts, you reinforce your identification with your mind that will fuel your thoughts - You, that is, your Self is the fuel for your thought. Or you identify yourself with your heart (more exactly, the causal body - what you perceive during dreamless deep sleep) which will result in sleep. If you fully identify yourself with your heart, it will produce dreamless sleep. If you identify yourself with your heart as well as mind, then you’ll enter dreamy sleep.

Worse, such identification of yourself with your heart may manifest some nonsense faith of your heart during meditation. Suppose you read in Scriptures that Self is a luminous Entity that makes our mind to think. It must be interpreted that in the absence of our Self our mind is merely insentient, and only in the proximity of our Self it can become sentient and function to think its thoughts. In other words, luminosity of Self is just a simile employed by the Scriptures to refer to the source of sentience. Instead, suppose you assume that our Self is literally luminous. This belief of your mind will slowly percolate down to your heart as the faith that your Self is literal light. Now when you try to control your thoughts by switching your identity to your heart, your faith will manifest itself as a beautiful light.

White light, color light or variable color intensity light is a manifestation of some nonsense faith of your heart. It has nothing to do with your Consciousness or Self or Lord. You are led astray. If you think it is a big achievement of your meditation, not only you are mistaken but you are increasing your grip on the crap your heart has manifested, forfeiting any chance of getting back to the right track.

If you enjoy this crap of light during meditation and teach your wonderful achievement to a few novices of meditation, all your chances of quenching the light are completely sealed. Then you’ll be left with your light for the balance of your life as you are moving away from your Consciousness instead of moving towards your Consciousness. Without entering your Consciousness, you can’t even think of realization of your Self or Lord therein. If you are meditating for reduction of your negative energy, you won’t succeed in your attempt as negative energy of your body, mind and heart can be controlled only after entering the plane of your Consciousness.

So, if you see a luminous entity during meditation, know that you are going astray. Take immediate steps to quench that useless crap. How to make it disappear?

Stop thinking that appearance of light is a big achievement or great milestone of your meditation efforts. It is not. It is a useless crap standing between your mind and your Consciousness. It is not just delaying but completely blocking your journey to your Consciousness from your mind. So, it is not divine but devil. Leave it. Just ignore it. It will disappear on its own.

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