Friday, January 26, 2018

Necessity of having a Guru for getting Enlightenment

"The tortoise is on one bank of the river and her young ones are on the other side. She gives neither milk nor warmth to them. Her mere glance gives them nutrition. The young ones do nothing but remember their mother. The tortoise glance is, to the young ones, a downpour of nectar, the only source of happiness. Similar is the relation between the Guru and disciples."

- Shirdi Sai Baba (to get my free e-book on His teachings, you may click here).

All serious spiritual aspirants interested in getting Enlightenment must necessarily have a Guru for their guidance. That is because we don’t know much about the means or end. Unlike material goals, spiritual goal is always abstract as is the path. Even though we read a lot regarding path or goal, we won’t understand it completely. So, unless there is a Guru to guide us, we won’t make it.

I don’t mean the verbal guidance - we can read a lot from books or hear a lot from the enlightened people. It is about controlling our words, thoughts and desires that are responsible for manifesting the process of Enlightenment. After all, Enlightenment is a process of manifestation.

Bhagavad Gita talks about two kinds of Enlightenment - one in our individuated consciousness and another in the universal Consciousness. A person enlightened in his individuated consciousness is not capable of controlling our words, thoughts and desires - only a person enlightened in the universal Consciousness is. That is because, spiritual guidance involves assuming the omniscient and omnipotent capabilities of the all-pervading universal Consciousness.

You need not search for a Person enlightened in the universal Consciousness. That Person need not be alive with body now. The soul of such Person doesn’t take birth again. And even after shedding His body He will be very much alive and in complete merger with universal Consciousness. If you surrender to His soul, He’ll guide you.

Who are such Persons? There are many - Shirdi Sai Baba, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Chaitanya Mahaprabu, Sankara, Ramanuja to name a few. You may choose any one - mostly, it will be other way around, if you know what I mean.

Just worship One in your residence and request Him to guide you daily. That’s enough. He’ll guide you - wherever you are and whatever you do.

Many persons who are enlightened in their individuated consciousness, may offer to guide you. Remember that they can’t. They may claim that they are Gautama Buddha and so on. Remember that they are not. They may ask you to leave your properties, profession and relations and move to their place. Don’t do that - you are already in the best environment for Enlightenment to happen to you. Don’t spoil that. They can only describe what Enlightenment feels like and some can explain the path but none of them can control your words, thoughts and desires to make you walk in the path.

With the subtle guidance from the One Who is enlightened in the universal Consciousness, it is very easy to walk the path leading to Enlightenment. There is absolutely no need for you to renounce your family, social or professional life. And there is no need for you to stick to any particular dress code or food code, either. Your Guru will take care of your spiritual as well as material needs.

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Experience of Enlightenment

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 8 of 8

athavaa bahuunaa etena kim jnaathena tava arjuna |
vishTabhya aham idam krutsnam ekaamSena sthita: jagat || (BG – 10:42)

Meaning: But of what use to you is all this extensive knowledge, Arjuna? I stand sustaining this whole universe with a fragment of My power.

Have you ever seen Krishna, the God and Lord of this universe? I understand it is less likely for you to have seen Him because only an enlightened can see Him. But do you know that Krishna doesn’t appear in human form with two hands or in angel form with four hands to the enlightened? Of course He can appear in any form He chooses but during the process of spiritual enlightenment He always appears in His innate form - otherwise, enlightenment will not happen to the seer. And His innate form is nowhere near the gross forms we are used to.

Experience of Self-Realization

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 7 of 8

yat yat vibhuutimat sattvam Sriimat uurjitam eva va |
tat tat eva avagaccha tvam mama teja: amSa sambhavam || (BG – 10:41)

Meaning: Whatever being is possessed of power or glory or energy, know that as the manifestation of a fragment of My splendor.

You would have never experienced such a Field of Splendour. It is a Field that arises from your heart, crosses the physical boundary of your body and extends into infinity in all directions.

Experience of Spiritual Awakening - The Conclusion

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 6 of 8

teshaam eva anukampaartham aham ajnaanajam tama: |
naaSayaami aatmabhaavastha: jnaanadeepena bhaasvataa || (BG – 10:11)

Meaning: Out of compassion for them, I, abiding in their soul, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the shining Lamp of Wisdom.

Consider an iron piece that is moved by a stationary magnet by means of its magnetic field. Magnet never moved - it is only the iron piece that moved. Magnet didn’t cause the iron piece to move - it is only the magnetic field that caused the movement of iron piece. Magnet only possessed the magnetic field that caused the iron piece to move.

Experience of Spiritual Awakening - The Beginning

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 5 of 8

teshaam satatayuktaanaam bhajataam priitipuurvakam |
dadaami buddhiyogam tam yena maam upayaanti te || (BG – 10:10)

Meaning: To those who are ever united with Me and worship Me with Love, I give Buddhi Yoga by which they come to Me.

Who is a devotee? Most of the devotional cults define the supreme Deity as God and Lord of the universe and a devotee as one who worships that Deity with such faith. The definition of devotion is thus limited to mere faith. As already discussed, due to the absence of omnipresence feature in this definition for the supreme Deity, the devotee will never go beyond this faith until death.

Krishna - God of the universe, the Creator and Assimilator of the Creation

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 4 of 8

etat yoniini bhuutaani sarvaaNi tu upadhaaraya |
aham krutsnasya jagata: prabhava: pralaya: tathaa || (BG – 07:06)

Meaning: Know that all beings have evolved from these twofold Prakriti (insentient matter/energy). I am the Source and the Sink of the entire world.

Who is Krishna? If we have to understand Who Krishna is, we’ll have to understand first who Krishna is not.

Krishna - Lord of the universe, the Pervader of the Creation

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 3 of 8

aparaa iyam ita: tu anyaam prakrutim viddhi me paraam |
jiivabhuutaam mahaabaaho yayaa idam dhaaryate jagat || (BG – 07:05)

Meaning: Arjuna, know My higher Prakriti, the Sentient matter (Jiva bhuta), that is different from the above said lower Prakriti, and by which this world is sustained.

Our mind where our thoughts arise and our body where our sensory perceptions of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch arise, are actually insentient. They behave like sentient entities due to the sentience supplied by the consciousness of our soul.

Krishna - Lord of the universe, the Supporter of the Creation

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 2 of 8

bhuumi: aapa: anala: vaayu: kham mana: bhuddhi: eva ca |
ahankaara: iti iyam me bhinnaa prakruti: ashTadhaa || (BG – 07:04)

Meaning: earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect and ego – thus My Prakriti (insentient matter) is divided eightfold.

As long as we confine Krishna to the human form He has taken, we won’t get any significant assistance from Him for our Enlightenment efforts. Some devotees think that Krishna should be worshiped as the four-handed Vishnu form bearing conch, wheel, club and lotus, in order to get assistance from Him. Wrong again.

How to get Enlightenment with Divine Assistance

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 1 of 8

mayi aasaktamanaa: paarta yogam yunjan madaaSraya: |
asamSayam samagram maam yathaa jnaasyasi tat SruNu || (BG – 07:01)

Meaning: Arjuna, hear how you will know Me wholly without doubt by performing yoga with mind set on Me and supported by Me.

Enlightenment is achieved only after performing Karma Yoga, followed by Jnana Yoga and then by Bhakti Yoga.