Thursday, January 25, 2018

Krishna - Lord of the universe, the Supporter of the Creation

Enlightenment Teaching of Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Part 2 of 8

bhuumi: aapa: anala: vaayu: kham mana: bhuddhi: eva ca |
ahankaara: iti iyam me bhinnaa prakruti: ashTadhaa || (BG – 07:04)

Meaning: earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect and ego – thus My Prakriti (insentient matter) is divided eightfold.

As long as we confine Krishna to the human form He has taken, we won’t get any significant assistance from Him for our Enlightenment efforts. Some devotees think that Krishna should be worshiped as the four-handed Vishnu form bearing conch, wheel, club and lotus, in order to get assistance from Him. Wrong again.

In most of the devotional cults, the supreme Deity is worshiped as all-knowing and all-powerful Entity - Right philosophy. And the Deity is EXCLUSIVELY confined to a localized form and/or an Idol - this is the blunder. A simple spiritual equation states that an all-knowing all-powerful Entity should be necessarily all-pervading. That is, if an entity is not omnipresent, it can never be omniscient or omnipotent. Therefore, if you worship an all-knowing and all-powerful Deity with the faith that He or She is existing ONLY in temples and/or in the spiritual sky, you won’t get any significant assistance from Him or Her for your Enlightenment efforts.

Let us be clear. There is nothing wrong in worshiping your supreme Deity in the form of an Idol - as long as you believe that the Idol is only a REPRESENTATION of the all-pervading Entity. As long as you don’t confine your Deity exclusively to that physically localized Idol, you are on the right track.

So, if we want to get assistance from Krishna, we should first understand Who Krishna really is. He is not just the five to six feet tall human form He has taken. So, Krishna starts telling Arjuna Who He is.

In this verse, He declares that the gross bodies of ALL creatures of this universe made up of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) as well as the subtle bodies of ALL creatures of this universe made up of the three principles (mind, intellect and ego) are His gross body.

In essence, Krishna establishes that He is not just confined to the form He has taken but an all-pervading spiritual Entity that supports the whole Creation.

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